Oltre all’immancabile Viagra e Cialis, oltre alla imperdibile farmacia canadese che quasi giornalmente mi offre medicine varie, mi arrivano costantemente mail con messaggi allarmanti sulla mia salute. Allarmanti e talmente cialtroni che credo gli emissari contino su una percentuale di lettori anche molto piccola quando mandano in giro milioni di queste stronzate. Ci sarà pure qualcuno che va a vedere i link.
This ailment is the #1 predictor that you’ll spend the last years of your life in a nursing home. According to the New England Journal of Medicine… If YOU have this ailment, it’s 17x more likely your kids will send you off to die in an “old folks home.” It’s especially risky for Baby Boomers born between 1947 and 1965.
To find out this “nursing home risk” ailment, Click here.
Non ho verificato il link, ma visto che Internet sa tutto di me potrei scoprire che se uno ha il dito a molla che si blocca e poi scatta in avanti, dovrebbe fare qualcosa di risolutivo, altrimenti finisce male. Che so, immergerlo in qualche sostanza miracolosa per due ore al giorno.
Brain doctors were shocked when they saw this
They couldn’t believe that all of hearing loss and tinnitus suffers have this one deeply disturbing thing in common
What hearing loss and tinnitus do to your brain
Hearing loss and tinnitus are, in fact, a symptom of another hidden condition
Find out more here:
What hearing loss does to your brain
Anche questo è molto allarmante. Perchè se combinato con il messaggio precedente, non mi lascia scampo. Io ho acufeni, che uno dice “e vabbè me li tengo” ma in realtà nascondono una qualche insidia mortale.
If you’ve been fighting with tooth and gum problems, this email is for you!
The real cause of these issues isn’t your oral hygiene…
But this crucial vitamin that you’ve been missing. Probably since birth!
Because this substance is so rare it’s only present in 2% of people.
Along with my team of researchers, I managed to isolate this vitamin and put it into one very effective food…
That reached more than 24,000 people worldwide and rebuilt their teeth and gums almost overnight!
You have everything you need to know right here:
How to Rebuild Your Teeth And Gums Overnight
Yours truly,
Tobias Hitch, Sr. Dental Researcher, Iowa University
Accidenti, mi manca una vitamina. In un ospizio, rincoglionito e sdentato. Grazie dottor Hitch. Chissà se esiste il dottor Hitch.
A shocking military scientist discovered that people who ate a certain golden ratio of herbs were able to poop out more fat…
Instead of your body turning all that food you eat into stubborn rolls of fat, it could just slide out quickly and easily in the bathroom.
Imagine not having to go to the gym to “burn” off fat.
Or starving yourself on horrible diets that deprive you of the foods you really love.
And instead, pooping that fat out.
His mom, Lisa lost 77 pounds in only 11 weeks without a single work-out or even leaving the couch as she had a broken hip.
Mother Poops Out 39 lbs of Pure Body Fat, Doctor is speechless
Another lost 10 dress sizes……And still another lost 38 lbs and now has a body that is “20 years younger”.
Click Here to see if pooping out fat could help you too
Così risolvo i miei problemi di stipsi e di sovrappeso. Anzi, questa è la panacea per chi è sovrappeso; letteralmente caghi il grasso in eccesso. “La mamma caga 17 kg di grasso ed il dottore è senza parole”. Questo è geniale, se poi consideriamo che viene dalle ricerche in campo militare, deve essere vero.
Your doctor lied to you…
You do NOT need new glasses or eye surgery for crystal clear vision.
Do THIS instead…
Then do literally nothing else.
No eye-injections. No glasses. And no ludicrous eye-exercises needed.
⇒ Just do THIS in the morning…
And be amazed…
As your high-definition, 20/20 vision returns.
This breakthrough sent shockwaves in the medical community. Big Pharma canceled the doctor who discovered this vision-enhancing discovery.
Because they’ll do anything to make sure adults need glasses to see.
Watch this presentation before it’s taken down…
Clear Vision in 6-Seconds? Just Do THIS…
To your health,
David Cooper
E con una vista da aquila, in barba alle multinazionali degli occhiali ed ai dottori corrotti. “Ti basta fare questo la mattina” e davvero sarei curioso di vedere cosa devi fare.
Studies show that spinal arthritis affects 95% of people over the age of 50.
But, there is a simple test that you can do at home, to see if your back pain is caused by arthritis.
It seems that people suffering from this medical condition cannot do this simple spine rotation movement.
Find out all about it here:
Simple Spine Rotation Movement Test Shows If You Have Arthritis
Arthritis Test: Can You Do This Simple Spine Rotation Movement?
E magari mi passa anche la cervicale. Devo solo fare una rotazione di qualche tipo, come Houdini.
I used to have osteoporosis. Tests showed that my bone density was steadily declining.
My doctor pulled no punches: if my bones continued this slow, gradual decline then they’d fracture and break more frequently…
…until one day I’d experience the break that crippled me.
The osteoporosis cure that changed my life forever
I was put on a number of different treatments. At best, I got temporary improvement plus nasty side-effects.…
But eventually my bones just went back to getting steadily worse.
Thankfully, that’s all over now – my bones are pretty much unbreakable.
Yours can be too. It wasn’t difficult.
Click here and I’ll tell you what happened…
E con le ossa sane. Miracolosamente. Le avevo provate tutte, ma ora le mie ossa sono infrangibili.
I know your doctor told you, you need to draw a blood sample every morning to check on your insulin levels.
But a medical researcher out of Dayton, Ohio has just proved that might not be necessary at all!
If he’s right, starting your day with the most downright disturbing ritual….i.e. putting a needle through your bare skin…EVERY SINGLE DAY…..might just be a thing of the past…
It’s 2020 folks. The times, they are a changin’.
Think about it. Why do we punish a finger that has done nothing to deserve it?
It’s painful.
It’s gross.
For some, it’s nauseating.
Plus, seeing your own blood in the morning ruins your appetite for your Frosted Flakes!
Diabetics! No More Finger Pricks!
You’re not a voodoo doll.
Don’t let your MD treat you like one.
So what would it mean if the “worst part about being a diabetic” just wasn’t there anymore?
How much freedom would that give you?
How good would that feel?
You’re about to find out.
Soak in what you’re about to learn here.
It will change EVERYTHING.
P.S. Clicking that link may just mean you may never have to pin prick again.
E se sei diabetico non devi fare più il test così la vista del sangue non ti rovina la prima colazione. Tutto il testo è grottesco, forse però ci sono persone che davvero sono spaventate/disgustate dall’idea di pungersi un dito per vedere lo zucchero, anche se dipingere il medico come un perverso che ti tratta come una bambola woodoo mi sembra eccessivo.
In quasi tutte queste pubblicità mi sembra di cogliere quei toni da complotto mondiale dove la soluzione dei problemi non è in quello che ti dice il tuo dottore ma bensì in una misteriosa ricerca o degli studi nascosti. A seguire mi arrivano rimedi fantastici per; caduta dei capelli, problemi alla prostata, mal di schiena, macchie della pelle, Alzheimer, sonno, memoria, benessere psicofisico e, per concludere, spesso mi arriva un manuale di addestramento per cani che fanno la pipì in casa. Mi dimentico sicuramente qualcosa.
Ecco, volevo metterli on line una volta per tutte, scrivendo uno dei post più noiosi ed inutili a livello dell’Unione Europea.